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Гастроэнтерология и хирургия -- Росмедбио

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Photo P/N Name Producer Item Price Add to cart
ГП122501 Device for active drainage of wounds with a balloon with a capacity of 250 cm3 (UDR-250), in individual packaging made in Russia 1
232.21 s 303.19 q
ГП122502 Device for active drainage of wounds with a balloon with a capacity of 500 cm3 (UDR-500), in individual packaging made in Russia 1
247.69 s 324.87 q
ГП122908 Device for draining the pleural cavity, individually packaged made in Russia 1
115.68 s 151.62 q
ГП122601 Device for irrigoscopy and intestinal lavage, adult, individually packaged made in Russia 1
107.92 s 140.81 q

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